What is the Internet?
InterNet is a system architecture that has transformed communications and modes of trade by enabling various geographically dispersed computer networks across the globe to interconnect with each other. At one time, the Internet was simply a bunch of computers connected to the World Wide Web. However, over time, the Internet has grown into a comprehensive system serving a wide variety of purposes including e-commerce, communication, education, file sharing, shopping, and basically everything else you can think of connecting to the Internet.
The Internet grew out of the ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet, an experimental system for distributing data over long distances. Over time, other technologies were developed to support the growing needs of the Internet, including the Extensible Markup Language (XML) for representing data and the Hypertext Preprocessor (HTML), a language for making hypertext documents, also known as web documents. In order to have something useful for internet users, the Internet needed something more: a communications protocol. This is what the Internet Protocol was.
One type of Internet protocol is the IP packets, or packets of information which are carried on a network by electronic devices. An IP network is much like the physical network in that it contains one central point, but instead of sending information across that network, the information is sent in a series of “IP packets”. In fact, when someone types an IP packet in their browser, they are actually talking on a very simple network. When you visit a web site, the internet software takes your IP packets and encodes them into the form of a hyperlink, which is then sent back to the host machine. At the other end, the web server processes the hyperlink, compressing the data so that it can be sent across the network. This is the basic IP network model.
The Internet itself is a huge system of communication using IP technology. People use the Internet to exchange information, whether it’s in chat rooms blog posts, or business documents. To surf the World Wide Web, you simply need an Internet connection. There are many different ways to connect to the internet, depending on where you are, or what you’re looking to do. For example, you may have your own Internet-connected laptop, while you travel to work at another location, or you may be able to use your cell phone to connect to the internet via a high-speed wireless connection.
Even though the Internet itself is very broad, many people are not aware of all of the technology that is already in place. We know that the Internet is largely a digital form of communication, since it is widely used for e-mailing, discussion groups, social networking, online shopping, and many other applications. There are a number of ways to connect to the internet, depending on what it is you want to do. Some of the most common methods are: dial up | modem | world | service | information} If you choose to use a regular dial-up service, you can rest assured that your connection is slow. Dial-up connections often offer only page-per-page transfer speed, so information can take a long time to be displayed on your computer monitor. This means if you want to send an important e-mail, it can take days or weeks for the message to go from your e-mail provider to your computer. Fortunately, this type of Internet service is becoming less popular, with providers like DSL and cable being more competitive. If you have the opportunity to get Internet service from a larger company, you may be better off because they tend to be more competitive in their services, features, price, and reliability.